Sunday, September 7, 2008

A short-lived City Romp

I'm returning back to Syracuse this morning (the train again) after two nights at Gild Hall...a luxury hotel? It looks nice and was nice, but I'm not so sure about those prices or the quality of the experience. Really, people will spend anything just to claim what they can. I personally think the beds at LaFiesta in St. Augustine are nicer and they are $400 a night cheaper. Ah, but the New York Humanities Council foots this bill so I'm not complaining.

I spent last evening with Judy, Robert, and their two daughters, Ava and Sydney, in Brooklyn. I've known Judy for sixteen years now and that seems crazy. Odder yet is that Robert is from Louisville and his ex-wife student taught with Gay Rapley of the Brown School. To me, Judy and Robert radiate NYC, and seeing them as a family was an example of happiness. I'm not sure if City life is for me, but they make it work and I admire that in them.

Now, the lights of NYC go away for a while and I hope to return soon. I'll leave the sirens, garbage trucks and honking cabs for the sounds of crickets and cicadas. I'll trade the air of subways and streets for the winds off of Lake Ontario. And I will be content knowing I'm only a train ride away.

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