Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I am an Ape in a Cave

Growing up, I watched Captain Caveman all the time. Reflecting on this, I think it is humorous to think of a less evolved version of myself solving riddles for today. Maybe this is the same appeal for the Geicho caveman. It is Geicho, isn't it? A neanderthal helps us, like Encino man, to see the silliness of our today.

I was thinking about cave people and their drawings as I read, wrote, reread, rewrote and tried to make sense of the constant stimulation of text in my life. It seems that a cartoon, or a cave drawing, could map out a lot more detail in a simpler way. We designed an alphabet, words, sentences and school to complicate what it is we know and don't know. Then, from the "art" of words, we created hierarchy, competition and status by who can communicate best with those words.

To me, a simple cartoon says a lot more and this one says it all. It is something that we "grade" one's depiction of their own reality and it is called education. I am hoping Captain Caveman will come and rescue our society today reminding us of more primitive ways of knowing that had the potential of being more to the point. Me Bryan. Me Hungry. Me want a Snickers bar. What's wrong with making knowledge accessible?

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