Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Macy Gray as a Part of My Day

Here's a secret. After being at a local high school from 7:15 a.m. until 9:30, I snuck home to let my dog out. I then stripped from my tie and put on shorts, a hoodie and my sneakers. I grabbed my ipod and I took off. I stole a forty-five minute run. What was spectacular about this was that Macy Gray's "Moment to Myself" song came on and totally set my groove.

How rare is it that we actually jump out of our routine to make a moment for ourselves? Sure, running is a routine, yes, but doing it in the middle of the morning is unusual. I came home, showered, got back in a tie and then went to another high school. From there, I had classes until 7 and didn't get home until almost 8. For the last two hours I was writing up student observations and now I am extremely thankful I took that moment to myself. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

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