Friday, September 19, 2008

Let a thousand flowers bloom

Thursdays are philosophy nights, so Fridays are meant for intellectual meandering. Last night, Emily Robertson let out a poetic line about research and the creation of ideas, "Let a 1,000 flowers bloom." I loved it and wrote it down. In a land of freedom, trusting others to be themselves and to foster their own ideas is admirable. The irony is, however, that Mao Zedong of communist China said this in 1957, or at least that is what one website reports. Actually, he said, "let a thousand flowers blossom." In retrospect, I imagine he would have been proud of this year's Olympics.

I digress. The sky went to 35 degrees last night and the leaves are turning. It is not the season for things to bud and pop up, but I'm going to try to live my friday with the motto of letting a thousand flowers blossom. Perhaps they'll find some bees that mysteriously are disappearing or be picked for a beautiful funeral arrangement.

Ah, my humor shows again.

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