Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Checking Myself, Checking Checking

When I downloaded the side image (called, coincidentally, checklist) I noticed a peculiar thing. On my desktop, it is one of five or six documents that are called checklists. This one, of course, is the only jpeg checklist, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. My younger sister makes lists before she goes to the grocery store and crosses off each item. My mom (whose knee surgery went well today) makes lists on all times of paper about any sort of thing.

I've never been a list person, but when teaching I was known to scribble items of import up and down my arm. I used it as a filing cabinet for items that were of immediate attention and it worked wonderfully. Yet, now I am supervising student teachers while supervising myself, while being supervised by mentors and I am recognizing I am becoming a master of checklists. I check articles I read, schools I've visited, meetings I've attended, stores I need to stop at, hours I've been able to get a run in, and I realize I'm just becoming a check list checker of proving my humanity. I think this is good. Checking the list helps me to see all I've accomplished in a given day and helps me organize for my tomorrow to come. It keeps me focused, prepared and reliable. I feel such checking is a peculiar way to be happy and I laugh to think how I must be perceived by those who know me, checking off everything as I do. Ah, c'est la vie. I can check today's blog entry off my list.  Woot Woot!

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