Friday, March 14, 2008

Snow, by Maxence Fermine

Felicia Viscome, a teacher at the local junior high school, loaned me a copy of the book SNOW by Maxence Fermine. It is poetic, short and nicely done. I began it as soon as it landed in my hand and finished it quickly last night.

In short, (and it is short), the book is a love story of a haiku poet, his master, their understanding of love & snow (the women in their lives), and their fate. It felt good to read this story, although I'm not sure why, other than the fact that it is a piece of art. There's nothing like reading a piece of art.

And so, the memory of such snow, will be with me today.

on the mountain's edge
i tiptoe ~ tapdancing hope
before horizons

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