Friday, March 14, 2008

The Happy Digest

This issue of the Happy Digest will serve for all the entries I should have made since Monday.
1) I started a new video project. I don't know if I've mentioned it here yet, and I'm not going to promote it big time just yet, but I'm happy it's begun.
2) I'm in New York
2a) I'm discovering old memories, old friends
2ai) I've had my favorite falafel, I've been to my favorite restaurant, I'm going to be seeing my old friends, I went to my storage space, and rooting through those boxes was like seeing old friends as well
2b) I have a dope apartment. Most of the sublets start on April 1, so I got an short-term apt 'til then
3) Keren Yohannes and Lucy Richardson are coming up on Sunday and Tuesday, respectively, for their Spring break
3a) My apartment has a big bed, a loft bed, and a futon, so they won't be unhappy!
4) I'm living on my own. I've realized that I've wanted to have a place of my own for a long time. It sucks that it's for such a short time, but at least I have a place to call my own for a bit
5) Andrew Gott called me Tuesday and told me he was in NY! I hung out with him and his dad later that night and we went and looked at the Statue of Liberty. I hadn't seen Andrew since July, so this was very nice
6) Having company in town is always a good excuse for doing touristy things. I think the inner rebel in me just doesn't want to do the touristy things because everyone else does them. You know? I don't want to do ALL of them, but I went to the Top of the Rock(efeller), and I cannot deny how amazing that was.
Fun fact: did you know that Olmstead, the guy who designed Louisville's park system, designed Central Park too?
I also saw the Uofl/Pitt game last night at Madison Square Gardens (first time I'd been there). It was a lot of fun. Sucks that we lost, though.
7) I was the #24 most viewed channel in my category on YouTube yesterday

Stay happy everyone,
Her Happesty, the Queen

P.S. Why don't y'all comment and tell us why y'all're happy today?

1 comment:

Bryan Ripley Crandall said...

You got the Gott, too. We gots Gott, coo.