Monday, March 17, 2008


Yesterday, I had dinner with my family and it was followed by a slice of Cherry Pie....just like I remember it as a kid. Although I've aged, find myself more and more attuned to the insanity of the world, and go in and out of diets, I will say that there is nothing better than a slice of good cherry pie.

Well, it could be better if it was served hot with a scoop of ice cream and a sliver of good dark chocolate AND it also could be better with a strong cup of coffee, but I can't drink coffee after breakfast because it wires me so I can't sleep.

So, if I had a slice of cherry pie for breakfast served with a good cup of coffee, I could bypass the ice cream and chocolate.

I'm a huge fan of any meal that is put before me by someone else and I applaud my mother for keeping a nightly dinner tradition alive. She did this when I was young, while she was a working woman, and now in her retirement (although Dad might argue not as often as it used to occur, and mom would counterattack with, "Butch, you got hands. You can cook, too." And then they can decide to go out for food, but that is not the point of this entry.

Today, this morning, it is all about cherry pies. Yum and happiness, always.

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