Monday, January 7, 2008

My sisters bring me happiness

My sisters bring me happiness
Originally uploaded by bripc
2008 is the year of my sisters and that makes me happy: Cynderballs/Cynde, the oldest, middle-man me, and K.C./ Casey/ K'Dot'C'Dot / Karyn/ Kenneth Charles, the youngest. Growing up in Westmoreland, then Clay, New York, and also spending weekends in Sherburne and Hamilton visiting grandparents, my sisters and I were destined to create a bond -- one that wasn't obvious until we grew much older. I suppose most our memories are from the back seat of a station wagon fighting over who was touching who, but so much changes over time. Now, as adults, it is my friendship with my two sisters that has persevered adolescence, our twenties and now our thirties. Through their eyes, I can see how much we've aged and how precious the growing process really is. This entry is a celebration of everything we once were, and all that is yet to come.

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