Monday, January 28, 2008

Happiness is "Venting"

I was doing laundry yesterday morning when I noticed that my economy-size, family tub of laundry detergent had a cap at the top with a note which read, "twist to vent." I twisted it to vent, and the detergent came out a lot faster and more smooth.

I had a terrible dream where I was in a Psychology Statistics class where our entire grade was based off of one examination that would be run through a Scan Tron machine. I studied hard and thought I did well, but I forgot to turn it in. When I caught up with the Graduate Assistants running the tests through the Scan Tron they allowed me to turn it in late. I missed 50% of the questions and they told me, "It looks like you're a failure. You will not pass this class."

It scared me to the point I woke up. I knew what it was about. It was about test anxiety and the fact that I've spent the last twenty years as a reader and writer, not as a mathematician. I am not about numbers and suddenly I have to be. I know this dream brought me to my perfectionist demons -- who am I to conquer statistics?

That's why I really really was glad I found the "twist" to "vent" valve on my laundry detergent. It is my new therapy, and whenever I have a panic attack or grow frustrated, I'm going out to the garage and twisting. That will be my new approach to venting in 2008. I hope this makes me happy.

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