Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Brief Glimpse of Utopia

When I worked at the Louisville Nature Center, I took afternoon hikes through the Beargrass Creek State Nature Preserve to stretch my legs . Allowing myself these afternoon opportunities provided a routine and, therefore, slight changes in events would mark themselves into my memory forever. One such event was when a horde of cedar waxwings stopped along Beargrass Creek while migrating north for mating season. There were hundreds of them and each had their unique colors of grey and yellow with and 'maske,' black eyes.

Yesterday, when I came home from the gym, I'm quite sure that there was a cedar waxwing perched on my roof. I'm skeptical, however, because as soon as I got out of my truck to get a better look, he flew away. If it wasn't a cedar waxwing, it doesn't matter. Why? Because it made me remember that day of hiking through Beargrass Creek when waxwings were everywhere. For that moment in time, I was witnessing utopia.

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