Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Abolishing Addictions

Well, the title sounds harsh.
I think that knowing that you are still alive without things you think you "need" or are addicted to is a happy thought. I took an entire day off from the internet. Being home for this long, it feels like I have so little to do. I was surprised when thoughts ilke, "What did I used to spend my time doing?", kept popping into my head. I designed a coat (if you want to facebook stalk, I posted it on my friend's wall the other day), I watched the jazz being performed in my basement... it was such a good day. I think that knowing that I didn't die after that day assures me that I am not addicted to the internet. I can live without it and I can stand to have less of it cluttering up my life.
What can you live without? What are you strong enough to give up for a day? A month? A lifetime?

Also, if I'm not mistaken, today is naked day. In the middle of winter. Why?

Stay happy,
Duke of Feliz Ciudad

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