Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It'd better Make me Happy, Cuz It's all I could Do.

I woke up at 6 a.m. yesterday and put on my editor's hat. For the next fourteen hours I preceded to write, edit, scribble, edit, pull out my hair, edit, write, design and edit some more. Why? It's the end of the semester and a lot of major shiite is going down. In other words, I am living my life behind my MacBook Pro and playing the keyboard piano in order to survive. And I'm wondering what individuals did before computers and if they sat this long at typewriters trying to get the work done.

Regardless, I know one thing for sure. I love my computer. I can't imagine spending time with any other computer. We compliment one another nicely and for this I am thankful and Happy.

I am also tired of editing, but in love with the idea of sleep. I am also glad I can look at the computer screen and I'm sorry my MacBook Pro has to look right back at me.

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