Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I should save this happiness for Fall, but...

After leaving the gym today, I had to stop at the bank. There, I realized Laura and Leslie left their NY Apples in the back seat of my truck. Without water, i decided I would eat an apple as a nutritious pick-me-up after running and pushing weights (so I can say I'm an American obsessed with body image).

Let me tell you, if you haven't eaten a fresh, New York State apple (that has been preserved in warehouses by grocery stores for April deliveries) after a long workout, you haven't lived. The flavors explode in your mouth and you are capable of making the most erotic faces. I had forgotten how much better fruit tastes after you've been sweating for two hours and because of this, I knew I needed to record it. My advice to you is to go run six or seven miles, then eat an apple. God Bless. It's irreplaceable.

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