Sunday, April 20, 2008

Eighty Degrees Plus

I'm not banking on this good weather lasting, nor can I say I am fully capable of appreciating it, but I will admit this. After a day indoors doing end-of-the-semester writing, editing and preparing, I decided to pull my desk to the garage so I could at least look at the beautiful day. From there, I got an idea that I could snap photos of me in front of my house -- in three phases -- and that helped me to procrastinate a good three minutes.
I think the dog loved it, too. I could keep an eye on her while she sunbathed in the driveway and I pretended to have some sort of semblance with this scholarly thing. I feel pretty good about pulling my drive to get the work done together with my drive to feel fresh air on my face. A garage office seemed to fit the billing perfectly. I could be mindful of the papers I have to write while being mindful that I'm human and today was gorgeous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Great to read about life both here in CNY and on planet Earth from someone so fresh and full of life. Keep writing and finding your way. Some of us are lost and it's a joy to feel refreshed and think there's life somewhere.