Thursday, June 12, 2008

What I learned yesterday

I love being a teacher because you never know what is coming next. Last week, for instance, I was given the task of teaching about Lance Armstrong's testicular cancer on p. 69 to a group of sixth graders when the teacher across the hall, Ms. Fallis, came by to stop them from laughing. Then, today, I was asked to give the listening comprehension test to 8th graders and I read to them about a parrot who had blue balls he kept in his cage. One ball was bigger than the other, and when people didn't compliment his bue balls,  the parrot, Alex, grew angry. I had to give this exam five times and only made it through once without the entire class losing control in laughter (8TH GRADE!!!). When they laugh, my nose wiggles, too. Finally, my day ended learning about how to make music accessible to young people. Well. Yes. Happiness.  Happiness is you can never make any of this up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're really good at that pipe-cleaner thing-- it's actually very entertaining.