Sunday, August 3, 2008

1988, Pee Wee Herman and a Late Post

The Year was 1988. Pee Wee's Playhouse was in full effect, the Dodger's played the A's in the world Series, The Redskins competed with the Bronco's at the Superbowl, Winning Colors won the Kentucky Derby and the Olympic Games occured in Korea. This was also the year that Dustin Hoffman needed to go to KMart in Rainman, and U2's Joshua Tree won best album (and it really, to this day, is a best album). 1988 was also the year that my sister, Balls, and her friends graduated from CNS and this last weekend was their 20th reunion. As the designated driver on one night, I began thinking about time, history, the pace of living one life, and memories. I suppose, Pee Wee, today's magic word of the day is "Yesterday." Whenever we hear this word, we should scream at the top of our heads and be happy that another day belongs to us. It goes by fast.

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