Thursday, April 10, 2008

When Life Sucks, Vacuum and It Sucks Even More : )

The good thing about having out of town guests, in this case Leslie and Laura from Louisville (that's three L's, baby), is that I HAVE to clean and organize my live-in filing cabinet, a.k.a. my home. I saved the vacuuming for last because that's how I clean; I throw everything on the floor. The problem was, the vacuum cleaner put lines on the rug, but didn't suck up the goods. I turned it upside down and found it was clogged with dog hair, so I took it to the garage and tore it apart.

The dog hair went deep, and even with a pair of chopsticks, I couldn't unclog the lump, so I decided to hook up my Shop Vac to suck it out. That didn't work, either, so I tried to blow it out. Nice idea, but no cigar.
I ended up taking more of the vacuum apart and sucking every crevice of it with the Shop Vac. Suddenly I heard a whooshing sound, like the machine passed a crooked fart, and air moved everywhere.

I reentered my house and vacuumed again, triumphantly. The moral of the story is when life sucks, as it will, get a larger machine to make a bigger "suck" out of it.  From the original suck and the suckier suck, goodness usually arrives. Happiness can be found in a home that looks half way decent ... if only for a couple of days.

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