Thursday, February 21, 2008

Two things presented happiness to me yesterday.

Item #1 was a use for the monarch butterflies I salvaged from reams and reams of copier paper during my summer employment at Syracuse University. I couldn't let the butterflies on the packaging go to waste and so I tried to save as many as I could. This was a whacky obsession that I forgot about until I heard from Kimmie Kasey and suddenly I knew why I saved them. Between her truth and passion, and my grandmother's love of butterflies, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't cut them out.

Item #2 is that Baby enjoyed the fact I was online blogging and wanted to see what I was doing. She jumped into my lap, full body, and laid across the keyboard. She somehow managed to pull "photo booth" on and I was able to catch a shot of her in my lap. How can I not be happy about that?

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